Monday, December 4, 2006

Tapscott Can Blog, But He Can't Hide

By Rick Pearcey

Actually, Mark Tapscott doesn't need to hide, and we don't want him to. The editorial page editor of the Washington Examiner does have a new blog address as of today -- and we congratulate him on a significant upgrade in cyberspace.

The "original incarnation of Tapscott's Copy Desk will remain . . . as an archive," explains Tapscott. And sometime after sunrise in your locale, Tapscott and his new site ought to be awake and ready to go.

Why the change? " is drawing more than a million visitors a month," says Tapscott. "Numbers like those should make it clear why I am so enthusiastic about moving from an independent blog to a publishing platform with vastly more circulation and immense potential for awesome growth."

Rick Pearcey is editor and publisher of The Pearcey Report.

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